About Mike
Pastor Mike has been guiding Findlay First Church of the Nazarene (The Naz) as the lead pastor at since 2001. His highest passion is seeing people step closer to Christ and be made new in His likeness. He and his wife Vickie have been married for 28 years. They have two children away at college, Cammi and Codi. Learn more about Mike at www.findlayfirstnaz.org/about/staff.
About FaithBuilder
This blog is intended to exhort and inspire the church congregation and friends of Findlay First Church of the Nazarene. It is updated every Wednesday. This blog site was launching at the beginning of the Easter Season in March 2017. Videos of Sunday morning sermons were added to the blog beginning January 2018. Pastor Mike began posting his weekly devotional thoughts online in September 2012. You can read Mike's previous writings from 2012-2017 at www.mikemcclurg.blogspot.com.